Week 2 Part A: Communication Between Business & Consumer/ Jonathan Golding

Jonathan Golding week 2 part A. 

      Well businesses have become more impersonal. more automated over the years. It is now easier to create an online point of sale business. The market has global potential. But for example if you focus only in the USA you have all the states you can sell to. Social Media enables a wide audience to be reached, the problem is not so easy to solve since there are different types of people, yet you can use demographic analytics to solve the problems, you can also use add words to polish search engines. Communication has really changed, there is a lot more going on with cold corporate communication than with people.  Part of the illusion behind social media for business is that you are "connecting" with people (the non illusion part would be the sales).  There is one factor I am just learning to deal with: PAYPAL and MONEY HOLDS. These holds have everything to do with communication between client and seller. A lot of times the buyer has to  hit "complete the order" or "goods delivered", the problem could be for yoga classes or other "virtual products" were there is no actual product to be shipped.  Then you get into the nightmares of people who had PAYPAL freeze their money (large sums in the 5 to 6 figures). This is the other side of social media, sales and communication nobody is really talking about.  

   You can share positive or bad comments about a product or business.  Interestingly enough PAYPAL and AMAZON are full of bad comments on the problems they have both as sellers and customers. A lot can be done to improve the situation.  

   I would just use the constructive criticism to my advantage and build on it. Avoid getting completely entangled with people since sometimes customers can be opinionated and unrealistic with their expectations. Comments have also been able to warn me about practices like PAYPAL and their money holds, I am looking for alternatives to process for example drop shipping payments.       


  1. Getting paid from a client online sounds like a nightmare. I have not experienced this yet. I have been lucky and was able to collect payment in person so far so they do not receive product until cash is in hand. I feel that is where a lot of the negative comments would come from and the fact that you don't always see the actual product until it arrives to your home.


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