Week 14 Part B: What we Learn from FaceBook Analytics

 Jon Golding

 Well I had problems with Facebook ads and my page in general.  I don't know how we are going to get the 28 likes I've noticed people are weeks behind in their blogs.   Not likely I have 100 page views.  Also a marketing tip I got: do not include people out of your niche in your biz pages.    So I have to use the Aztec Brewery: 

 Its sad to see the impact on the economy (witch I consider a destruction by design, when I started studying marketing and the "need" to be targeted, I had a hunch something like this could happen). I think the main problems to be addressed is the demographic explosion going on in the globe, as well as hygiene.  Then you run into  places like Japan going through a birth crisis where the country does not know what to do to keep the machine going since population is being drastically decreased.  What is humanity going to do?

  I was looking at the post engagements (I would like to see before and after covid to better compare)  I can get a clue about the nostalgia for better times in the timeline photo posts since it is what gets the most reach of 1.5-k with engagement between 81 and 61.  The rest are fluctuating between 300 and 700 in reach (not engagement).     

  I find that the 316  reach statistic for the live music stream is sad. Even sadder is the fact that only 2 to 4 people listened.  Music marketing is difficult.  However once a flow and fan-base is made it is easier to keep people listening.  I know of people making music of very high quality with low engagement, then you have one hit wonders that go viral.  It is not an easy phenomenon to deal with.  

 A lot of bands that signed with labels, like Greenday went from garage gutter punk to cheerleader ballads because that is what labels know how to push to make lots of money.  This is what makes Daft punk a  genius production:  they told the label: you do not give us artistic direction we do our own thing and they created a huge fan-base, I think people are hungry for real arts and creativity daft punk shows it.  The music industry just got really hard to be in with covid (no concerts, music digital sales are sort of worthless since they are only ads for shows).  About the only thing you could do with a viral music video right now is to post ads on products and hope to land an Amazon sale and get paid for the ad.   I did get invited to a DJ music event, recently and was not able to go.  I wonder what the comeback will be like for music shows.

 All these problems bring me back to organic sales and marketing.  To market a place to eat just find a place with foot traffic and reasonable rent (the closest thing to this method in USA is the Swap Meet).  The sports market is completely media driven however, based on following the role models (pro athletes).  I have athlete friends that maxed out their allowed friends on Facebook, and have a celebrity page, having constant exposure, competing, they found organic flow to their personality, this does not always translate to sales, out of 3 friends I have like this only one was able to apply that organic flow to his retail store, he did get press kits on publications like Forbes (could be paid press kits).   The other ones are working for corporations (clothing brands), not making a lot of money.  I cannot give details because of disclosure agreements.  I got injured a bunch of times (not even practicing sports), my timing in life got thrown off. The truth is these professional sport realms put together a lot of details. It is a lot easier to find mothers in mothers day to sell happy mothers day t-shirts.   

 What is going on with music one hit wonders?  Perhaps a whole lot of money to market and push the song was spent to make it viral with little return.  Thus the one hit wonder that has little cultural value compared to underground productions with 0 marketing and 300 plays for the last 5 years.  Also it would be interesting to see the actual comparison of the attendance, beer sales, and Facebook Analytics before covid. Perhaps this engagement online has little to do with sales (like the duck dive bar in PB, that place does not need social media just the location makes it happen).  


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